Ready To Win More Clients & Keep Them Around For Life?

Let’s Get Started With It Now!

Essentials Package

Solo User? Get The ESSENTIALS for your business.



+$299 One Time Set Up Fee

Set-Up fee: $299

No Contracts, Cancel Anytime

Additional Users

Have a Team? Add users at a discounted price/user

Additional User


No Additional

Set-Up fees


More than 10 users? Let's Tailor a Custom Package

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Separate SMS & Email Rates May Apply

Separate SMS & Email Rates May Apply

Separate SMS & Email Rates May Apply

What's Included?



CRM & Contact Management

Smart Contact List

Unified Conversations Inbox

2 Way Email & SMS Messaging

GMB Messaging

Web Chat Widget

Automated Review Requests

Respond To Reviews

Google My Business Messaging

Facebook Messenger

Instagram DM

GMB Call Tracking

Missed Call AutoText Back

Missed Call Notifications & Reminders

Text To Pay

Mobile App

Keyword SMS Marketing

SMS Drip Campaigns

SMS Blasts

Call recording

Make Outbound Calls

Calendar & Appointment Booking

Zoom & Google Meet Integration

Sales Opportunities & Pipelines

Funnel Builder

Form & Survey Builder

Email Marketing & Email Builder

Create Tasks & Notes

Automatic Appointment Reminders

Appointment Cancellation & No Show Follow up

Automated Request A Call Back

Happy Birthday Email/SMS

Pre Designed Holiday Emails

SMS & Email Template Builder

Media Library To Store Docs & Photos

Create Unlimited Websites

Membership & Course Builder

Friends & Family Referral System

Refunds & Cancellation Request Management

Lead Opt-in Funnels

Lead Opt-in Nurture Emails & SMS

Create Unlimited Automations

Social Media Calendar & Posting

Payments & One Off Invoices

Recurring Invoices

Automated Invoice Reminders

Create Unlimited Products One Off & Recurring

Reporting & Analytics

Unlimited Blogs with Full SEO

Voicemail Drops

Inactive/Lost Lead Promo Nurturing

Call Tracking & Phone Number Pool

Domain & DNS Management

Affiliate Manager

QuickBooks Integration

URL Redirects

API Access

Zapier Integrations with 1000s of Apps

24/7 Live Chat & Zoom Support

1 on 1 Onboarding

Eric A.

Amaze 360 has helped triple my sales! Amazing software that has not only made my business more profitable but has saved me money as well.


Joseph C.

This software is so powerful! It can do so many things that previous softwares I tried couldn't. Awesome service & everything you need for running your business. Makes life way easier when all systems are under one roof.


Nelly H.

The support team is 2nd to none. From on-onboarding to tech questions, they're available 24/7. Unbelievable software and customer service. And 1/3rd the price of competitors.


We’re here to help

Ask about our plans, pricing, implementations, or anything else. Our knowledgeable reps are ready to help.


Streamline Sales

Generate More Leads

Build Your Brand

Impress Existing Customers

AutomButtonate Tasks


Social Media Management

Website Chat Widget

Forms & Surveys

Online Appointment Booking

Membership & Course Builder
Automated Nurture Sequence
Email & SMS Marketing
Phone System & Autodialer

All In One Inbox
Automate Tasks
CRM & Sales Pipeline
Invoicing & Payments
Review & Reputation Management
Reporting & Analytics

© Copyright Amaze 360 2024